This page contains a list of additional references and resources beyond those contained in our book. References include work based on our VIABLE modeling framework published after the completion of our book. We invite you to draw on these works as a further guide for aiding your own modeling efforts. Resources include additional material that has come to our attention that may be useful.
Shaaban M., Scheffran J, Böhner J, Elsobki MS. 2019. A dynamic sustainability analysis of energy landscapes in Egypt. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 22(1):4 | LINK (DOI: 10.18564/jasss.3906)
Liang Emlyn Yang, Jürgen Scheffran, Diana Süsser, Richard Dawson, Yongqin David Chen. 2018. Assessment of Flood Losses with Household Responses: Agent-Based Simulation in an Urban Catchment Area. Environmental Modeling and Assessment 03/2018 | LINK (DOI:10.1007/s10666-018-9597-3)
Yang L, Hoffmann P, Scheffran J, Rühe S, Fischereit J, Gasser I. 2018. Agent-Based Modeling Framework for Simulating Human Exposure to Environmental Stresses in Urban Areas. Urban Science 2(2):1-21 | LINK (DOI:10.3390/urbansci2020036)
Interested in learning more about viability theory? We direct interested readers to the in-depth discussions of the mathematical details of viability theory in Aubin, Bayen, and Saint-Pierre (2011), Aubin and Saint-Pierre (2007), and Krawczyk and Pharo (2013). Additionally, Aubin, Bernado, and Saint-Pierre (2005) present viability theory specifically in connection with climate change issues.
Aubin, Jean-Pierre, Alexandre M. Bayen, and Patrick Saint-Pierre. 2011. Viability Theory: New Horizons (2nd Edition). Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
Aubin, Jean-Pierre, and Patrick Saint-Pierre. 2007. “An Introduction to Viability Theory and Management of Renewable Resources.” In Advanced Methods for Decision Making and Risk Management in Sustainability Science, edited by Jürgen P. Kropp and Jürgen Scheffran, 56–95. New York, NY: Nova Science Publishers.
Aubin, Jean-Pierre, Telma Bernado, and Patrick Saint-Pierre. 2005. “A Viability Approach to Global Climate Change Issues.” In The Coupling of Climate and Economic Dynamics, edited by Alain Haurie and Laurent Viguier, 22:113–43. Advances in Global Change Research. Amsterdam: Springer Netherlands.
Krawczyk, Jacek B., and Alastair Pharo. 2013. “Viability Theory: An Applied Mathematics Tool for Achieving Dynamic Systems’ Sustainability.” Mathematica Applicanda 41 (1): 97–126.
Interested in applications of the VIABLE framework? The model framework that we introduce has been applied in various fields, including the arms race between nuclear-armed missiles and missile defenses, fishery conflicts, energy and climate change. In addition to the applications presented in the later chapters of this text, we refer readers to detailed applications in arms races, proliferation, and missile defense (Scheffran 1989, 1994; Jathe and Scheffran 1995; Jathe, Krabs, and Scheffran 1997; Scheffran 2003); energy and climate change (Scheffran and Jathe 1996; Scheffran 1999; Scheffran and Pickl 2000; Ipsen, Rosch, and Scheffran 2001; Scheffran 2008a); environmental conflict (Scheffran 1996, 1999); fishery conflict (BenDor, Scheffran, and Hannon 2009; Scheffran 2000); bioenergy (Scheffran and BenDor 2009); water conflict (Link et al. 2012); coalition formation (Scheffran 2006a); and cooperation in trading (Scheffran 2013). Earlier versions of this model framework have appeared under different forms and varying acronyms, including “SCX,” “VCX,” and “VCAPS.” These iterations extend back to Scheffran (1989), and include Scheffran (2002), and Scheffran and Hannon (2007).
BenDor, Todd, Jürgen Scheffran, and Bruce Hannon. 2009. “Ecological and Economic Sustainability in Fishery Management: A Multi-Agent Model for Understanding Competition and Cooperation.” Ecological Economics 68 (4): 1061–73.
Ipsen, Dirk, Roland Rosch, and Jürgen Scheffran. 2001. “Cooperation in Global Climate Policy: Potentialities and Limitations.” Energy Policy 29 (4): 315–26.
Jathe, M., W. Krabs, and Jürgen Scheffran. 1997. “Control and Game Theoretical Treatment of a Cost-Security Model for Disarmament.” Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 20: 653–66.
Jathe, M., and Jürgen Scheffran. 1995. “Modelling International Security and Stability in a Complex World.” In Chaos and Complexity, edited by P. Berge, R. Conte, M. Dubois, and J. Van Thran Thanh, 331–332. Gif sur Yvette: Editions Frontieres.
Link, P. Michael, Franziska Piontek, Jürgen Scheffran, and Janpeter Schilling. 2012. “On Foes and Flows: Vulnerabilities, Adaptive Capacities and Transboundary Relations in the Nile River Basin in Times of Climate Change.” L’Europe En Formation, 99–138.
Scheffran, Jürgen. 1989. Strategic Defense, Disarmament, and Stability – Modeling Arms Race Phenomena with Security and Costs under Political and Technical Uncertainties (PhD Thesis; IAFA Publication Series No. 9). Marburg, Germany: University of Marburg.
Scheffran, Jürgen. 1994. “Modelling International Security Problems in the Framework of the SCX Model.” In Mathematische Methoden in Der Sicherheitspolitik, edited by J. Hermanns, B. v. Stengel, and A. Tolk, 103–20. Neubiberg, Germany: IASFOR.
Scheffran, Jürgen. 1996. “Modeling Environmental Conflicts and International Stability.” In Models for Security Policy in the Post-Cold War Era, edited by R.K. Huber and R. Avenhaus, 201–20. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
Scheffran, Jürgen. 1999. “Environmental Conflicts and Sustainable Development: A Conflict Model and Its Application in Climate and Energy Policy.” In Environmental Change and Security, edited by A. Carius and K.M. Lietzmann, 195–218. Berlin, Germany: Springer.
Scheffran, Jürgen. 2000. “The Dynamic Interaction Between Economy and Ecology: Cooperation, Stability and Sustainability for a Dynamic-Game Model of Resource Conflicts.” Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 53: 371–80.
Scheffran, Jürgen. 2002. “Economic Growth, Emission Reduction and the Choice of Energy Technology in a Dynamic-Game Framework.” In Operations Research Proceedings 2001: Selected Papers of the International Conference on Operations Research (OR 2001), edited by P. Chamoni, 329–36. Duisburg, Germany: Springer.
Scheffran, Jürgen. 2003. “Calculated Security? Mathematical Modelling of Conflict and Cooperation.” In Mathematics and War, edited by B. Booss-Bavnbek and J. Hoyrup, 390–412. Berlin, Germany: Birkhäuser.
Scheffran, Jürgen. 2006a. “The Formation of Adaptive Coalitions.” In Advances in Dynamic Games, edited by A. Haurie, S. Muto, L.A. Petrosjan, and T.E.S. Raghavan, 163–78. Berlin, Germany: Birkhäuser.
Scheffran, Jürgen. 2008a. “Adaptive Management of Energy Transitions in Long-Term Climate Change.” Computational Management Science 5 (3): 259–86.
Scheffran, Jürgen. 2013. “Conditions for Cooperation and Trading in Value-Cost Dynamic Games.” In Advances in Dynamical Games: Theory, Applications, and Numerical Methods (Annals of the ISDG, 13), edited by V. Krivan and G. Zaccour, 173–204. New York, NY: Springer-Verlag.
Scheffran, Jürgen, and Todd BenDor. 2009. “Bioenergy and Land Use: A Spatial-Agent Dynamic Model of Energy Crop Production in Illinois.” International Journal of Environment and Pollution 39 (1/2): 4–27.
Scheffran, Jürgen, and Bruce Hannon. 2007. “From Complex Conflicts to Stable Cooperation: Cases in Environment and Security.” Complexity 13 (1): 78–91.
Scheffran, Jürgen, and M. Jathe. 1996. “Modeling the Impact of the Greenhouse Effect on International Stability.” In Supplementary Ways for Improving International Stability, edited by P. Kopacek, 31–38. Oxford, England: Pergamon IFAC.
Scheffran, Jürgen, and Stefan Pickl. 2000. “Control and Game-Theoretic Assessment of Climate Change: Options for Joint Implementation.” Annals of Operations Research 97 (1): 203–12.